Thursday, 26 May 2016

Review>Chocolate Appreciation Course feat. Jessica Pedemont

Just a few of my delectable creations...YUM!

CHOCOLATE!!!! Sorry, I get excited when I hear that word, when I see it and when I taste it. Chocolate is one of my favourite indulgences and apparently the average Aussie consumes 5-6 kilos of chocolate per year…although I am definitely not your average Australian gal!
Last Christmas I can confess to consuming at least 2 kilos of delectable chocolate thanks to this course…I wish I was joking but I’m not even ashamed – it was seriously worth every choc-dipped bite. Here’s why:
  1. Jessica Pedemont is one kick-ass artist. I mean literally – she has competed in mixed martial arts and freestyle wrestling on an international level. Whilst setting up her own “Chocolate Artisan business, winning local business of the year in 2015 and spending years traveling the world working, studying and teaching in some of the finest establishments in the industry.
  1. Did I mention she was on Sunrise? Yes, and that she almost knocked the camera man out with her wrestling powerbomb move and I couldn’t help but admire this beauty who is as fit as a beast! (you go girl!) Check it out HERE! 
  1. So when I was asked to review this course, there was no hesitation. I had a golden ticket and I was as excited as Augustus Gloop to learn and appreciate chocolate more than ever before! Let’s do this!
Photo Courtesy of: Jessica Pedemont in her Kick-Ass Cake Zone! 

Where: Celebration Cakes, Level 1, 720 New Canterbury Rd, Canterbury NSW 2193
When: Thursday- Sunday (Morning & Night Classes)
Cost: Starts from $220+ (for at least two hours of chocolate heaven)
If you’re nervous about cooking classes and courses because you’re not an “expert” Jessica is probably one of the most welcoming and down-to-earth teachers you’ll ever meet.
Welcomed into her kitchen with a cup of Hot Spiced Chocolate, you will already feel at home (and you won’t want to leave either).
Our group watched an introductory DVD on how chocolate is made and all the efforts gone into creating these delicacies. We also met her partner-in-crime, Tommy Prosser, an awesome British, French trained chef that specialises in bacon – yes even chocolate bacon! (YUMMO! Check out his blog HERE!)
I can honestly say that after watching “The Story of Chocolate” I’ve already started to appreciate chocolate so much more. Who would have thought that this random cacao tree grown in over 50 tropical countries would produce a pod, which contains beans which are fermented, dried, roasted/winnowed, ground, takes another breath, conched, tempered, moulded, and then packaged and distributed all around the world to be enjoyed by choc-lovers like me!

Good enough to Eat - Jessica's Edible Wall Art
Jessica Pedemont, Me and our Cacao Bean

OH, and here’s another fun fact, the tree is called Theobrama Cacao which literally means “food of the Gods” – I knew there was a reason why chocolate and I have a special bond. Feel free to refer to me as a Goddess from here on.
I don’t want to give too much away as it really must be experienced for yourself but make sure you’re ready to roll, dip, dunk and chop your way to boxes of the best quality chocolates you will ever take home.
Jess, also demonstrates how to “do the chocolate dance”, aka temper chocolate, by hand to give it that smooth and glossy finish. Tempering is when you heat and cool solid chocolate so that it has a sharp “snap” when it breaks and melts in your mouth like warm honey…my mouth is watering just writing about this. (I’ve honestly had about five chocolate breaks during the process of writing this article, I wish I was joking but I’m really not.)
So what exactly did we make!? Well, where do I start!?
Choc- dipped strawberries, dark chocolate truffles, macadamia and white choc clusters, (takes deep breath) banana slices rolled in choc and coconut, apple and apricot chocolate bites, (takes another deep breath) dark chocolate pieces with a beautiful patterned transfer, (has heart attack) marble chocolate balls rolled in desiccated coconut annnnndd I think that’s it. It was all so delicious. I ate so much of it during the course I’m surprised there was enough left to go around and take home!? Miracle I tell you! Well, we are talking about the food of the Gods, aren’t we?
Dark. Chocolate. Truffle. Amazingness.

Marble Chocolate Balls covered in Desiccated Coconut

We packed an assortment in cute little boxes and bags to take home and “share” with our loved ones…lol. Okay Okay, I shared a few samples but I ain’t gonna lie, I devoured most of it without thinking twice! It was just that good.
Trust me, once you’re done with this course you will guard this chocolate like you guard your unfiltered Insta Snaps. Jessica only uses the finest chocolate and has been Australian ambassador for Felchlin Chocolate, Switzerland since 2010. (Come on, I don’t have to tell you that the Swiss produce some of one of the finest in the world do I?)
You will also meet fellow chocoholics who you can chat with endlessly about your love for chocolate and may even make a friend or two. It really is a nice, sociable environment and Jessica really encourages everyone to ask as many questions as possible, share a story or two as well as well as teaching us how to karate chop the dark chocolate slab into bite size pieces. Ka-POW! Don’t worry, no one was hurt during the making of these chocolates. (Only New Year’s resolution diets, hips thighs, etc but it was allllllll worth it, trust me!!!)
So, I suggest you enjoy this course with a partner – a friend, boyfie, wifey, hubby, bro, sis, gf, “bae” or anyone you know who adores chocolate or learning something new! Go on, grab that Golden ticket and GO!
My friend Rodriigo and I loving this course (as you can tell by our faces!)

Thank you Jessica! Head to for tickets! :)


The Journalette

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Event>Festivals> FUTURE Music Festival 2015

The Journalette's Festival Experience...

“I’m getting too old for this,” I thought to myself as I squeezed into my LAST pair of fringed denim shorts that actually fit me (I should’ve been at the gym “shredding” months before the event, I know!) Paired with a cute lacy top, sunnies and sneakers – I think we’re ready! Well everyone else is, while I’m still stuffing my shoulder bag with all my festival “necessities” - meaning basically everything I own. Which brings me to my first tip – bring as little as possible! Phone, tickets, ID, cash, cards and that’s about it!

I’m going to be honest here, I’m not really a “festival” kinda gal – I mean I LOVE music, I can’t go a day with out dancing (be it at a class, in my room or randomly between shopping aisles when no ones watching. I’m kidding…I’m actually not.) I just think it’s something you experience in your teens - early twenties or until your festival phase is fulfilled. But there are those that continue to party well into their senior years and good on them – if they are fit enough for Future Music Festival they deserve some kind of seniors discount! Although it would feel a bit weird getting your “gabber” on with your Grandpa. Cringe-worthy moment right there!

And boy are there a lot of cringe-worthy moments at music festivals, both good and bad – so, let’s get straight into the good stuff!

Can't go wrong in Floral, Lace and High-Waisted Shorts!

THE FASHION: When I say you can rock up in ANYTHING to a music festival you literally can dress up as whoever, whatever or even don close to nothing during festival season.  From Spiderman to Indians to Nuns and Unicorn Onesies there really are no rules. But there are those few that do cross the line…how do you ass? I mean how do you ask? 

Definitely putting the ass in class.

Enough said.

The most prominent trend this season were those beautiful metallic tattoos, John Lennon shades, 90s chokers, crotchet tops, denim overalls and tie-dye all over! For the guys, it was snapback hats, bucket hats and their shirt either on or off. And hey, if their bodies looked close enough to Ryan Gosling’s, I wasn’t complaining! Just lay off the fake tan, buy some shorts that actually fit you and maybe you’ll attract the right kind of attention. Actually this goes for both girls and guys – I wish I could go to one, just ONE, music festival where you can’t tell whether half the girls have either too much tan on or fell into a pit of dirt! Then comes in the damaged hair extensions, overly luscious lashes and face full of make up to add to this severe case of festival fever.

I’m not saying you are unattractive if you have extensions, lashes or wore make- up – that’s perfectly fine! Just don’t go OTT as I have seen in the past and in the future, or at FUTURE? You know what I’m trying to say! But honestly, you are all natural beauties and that should be embraced! Express yourself with the “less is more” approach when it comes to your skin and “be humble” when it comes to your wardrobe! So my tip here is do not try to resemble anyone from Jersey Shore, Geordie Shore, or contestants on the makeover show Snog, Marry Avoid! (p.s. please tell me I’m not the only one who secretly loves watching Snog, Marry Avoid!? Kidding!! I’m actually not.)

Ever heard of Futuregram...well now you have!
Amazing Marketing with the iPhones!

Moving on to the LINE-UP! Meaning the acts, bands, International DJs, singers, whatever you want to call them – you came here to see at least one of them! And this year’s line up did not disappoint…so many stages, so many artists, it’s kind of hard to keep track of where to go and what time you have to leave one stage to make your way to the next! My younger brother is a DJ that’s into his “doof-doof” music so I decided I would try to enjoy the “Future Dome” room along with his girlfriend. “Shouldn’t be that bad…” I thought as we made our way to the car-wreck themed stage and before you could say “techno” the beat had dropped and I stood there. Unable to move a muscle because everyone in this room has decided that it’s OKAY to kick and bounce from side to side, in every direction, all up in yo face! *snaps fingers* Oh no, I did not sign up for this, ain’t nobody got time for dat! (Sorry, I had to say it!) When did this style of dancing/”gabber-ing” become the norm. I felt like everyone was on….okay that explains it. My younger brother laughed as my face said it all, Help me!!! I’m being attacked!!, and his girlfriend clearly agreed. Next room please!!

Dude...Where's my car? The Car Wreck Themed Future Dome
And you know what makes me even happier than music…

FOOD! (Yayyy!!! Kidding, I’m actually not.) You think with all that dancing there wouldn’t be any time for a nice cup of hot chips and an ice cold Smirnoff! Well, for The Journalette there is always time for dat! (Again, I’m sorry) and nothing gets between me and my food. Ever.

We made our way to a soft patch of grass with a beef pie in one hand and hot chips in the other – since I’m on a new healthy diet and all… Look, in my defense there really isn’t any option for healthy food other than freshly squeezed orange juice from the little orange home, I mean dome, across from us. How cute! They even gave us free samples. (Maybe they were trying to tell me something?) Although I didn’t end up buying juice as water is always the best form of hydration during festival season. Sorry Juice Boy.  All I need is some high quality H20 (Please tell me you’ve seen The WaterBoy!?)

Chips Stands and the Kinder Surprise-looking Orange Juice Stand

As the Sun goes Down... Enjoying the beautiful sunset before the real fun begins!

As the afternoon sets in it really does become so much more of an experience as you prepare for the leading artists – the HEADLINERS! Now I’ve seen Avicii once before, Afrojack and The Prodigy so as the day turned into night my excitement began to realllllly set in. So, who was I waiting for you ask?

No, it’s not Sigma.

Or 2 Chainz. (getting warmer)

2 Chainz rapping away... Lamborghini Mercy!

Okay I’ll give you a clue. His stage name rhymes with Steak!

Did you say Steak!?


DRAKE!!!! And I could not WAIT!

I made sure our group of four knew we were NOT missing him nor was I going to be ten miles away from the stage. No, sir! My mission was to get as close as possible to the Canadian-born rapper, singer, song-writer, hottie!!!

So after 2 CHAINS set we squished our way as far as we could go until I literally could only smell a concoction of sweat, B.O., alcohol, smoke and excitement! We waited….and we waited…made conversation with a few randoms…wondered what Drake was doing backstage. What I’d say to him if I ever met him…(I’m Kidding! I’m actually not. Come on, I’m not the only one who pictures these impossible scenarios/fantasies in my mind right?)

And then it happened, he came on stage AT LAST and all I saw was, was, a bunch of arms waving in front of me, a few selfie sticks too and about a thousand phones recording and snapping every moment of the show. I think a girl in the crowd got so excited she *ahem * urinated, I think is the word, herself. Yep, right there. Just peed right near us. OH no. I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS! I did not wait all day in the sun. sweating, dancing, eating, dancing, selfie-ing, dancing, laughing, eating more, waiting, waiting, waiting to get to this moment. No.

Crowd of over 42,000 behind us frizzy hair of course!

I just needed to be lifted up into the air and saved from this sticky situation. Literally. And you know what the answer was. Shoulders. I. love. shoulders. I got to watch the majority of the show on the shoulders of my big bro and it was the BEST! And you know what! All that day-dreaming about Drake floating over to me actually came true! Okay, not entirely but in the form of a flying fox! He beamed over us and landed even closer to me where I got some ah-mazing snaps! (Jokes I was way to crazy and excited to deal with a camera and Drake – I just wanted to enjoy the moment you know!) So I left the photography skills to my brother as he is a professional photographer after all.

I got my eyes on you! Drake casually "flying" over us.

He sang all of his hits, spoke to people in the crowd, really interacted with the audience and I just didn’t want him to leave the stage! He was definitely worth the wait and I would do it all over again if I could! I definitely got time for dat! (Did I really just say that again!? Sorry!!!)

No, Drake YOU look so beautiful tonight! 

As the festival drew to a close and I stood in the crowd hoping he would come back for an encore (which I had to be continuously convinced that he wasn’t) we made our way home. 

Who said you can't mosh in a Wheelchair!? I LOVE THIS PIC!

Not before grabbing a double sherbet dipped ice cream cone (Sherbet’s good for you right?) and dancing to the last few minutes of Avicii’s final set, fireworks and fun! So, if you’re planning to go to Soundwave, Field Day, Stereosonic, FUTURE or any music festival for that matter as long as you’re with a great bunch of people you will undoubtedly have an unforgettable experience! Besides, music is ageless so I might be seeing you at the next FUTURE Festival…don’t worry I’ll make sure I’m shredded next time.

Final Tip: If you ask anyone to take a photo of you this will be the final result. Enjoy!


The Journalette

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Event> Launch Party and Exclusive Screening > #50shadesrevealed

Fifty Shades of Grey - Exclusive Australian Screening

Special Event Review – Not a GREY moment!

“Well this is going to be embarrassing..” I thought to myself as I scooped my hair over my lanyard against my LLBD (the extra L for LEATHER…We are watching the first screening of Fifty Shades after all!)

So what’s all the fuss about? And why so embarrassed Journalette!? Well we all know what the Best Selling Novel is about and if you don’t then…ahh I’m blushing already! Please just, “Google it!” Okay – you can tell I’ve rarely watched anything like this, let alone on the Silver Screen (Or should I say Grey Screen! Okay enough with the “grey jokes!”).

So, let’s get to business –

What: Launch Party and First Screening of Fifty Shades of Grey

Where: Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park

When: Wednesday 11th February 2015

Dress Code: Chic

TJ’s Rating:

Making our way to the “Champagne Reception” along the red, I mean black carpet with the usual backdrop, set up the perfect entry for guests and local celebrities alike. Photographers lined up, every kind of lense imaginable waiting to shutter the likes of Johnny Ruffo, Michael Dorman (Wonderland), Sophie Faulkner and Sophie Lowe just to name a few!

On the Black Carpet in Leather and 50 Shades of Tie Dye

After taking our first snaps of the night little did we know we would be in for more photo opportunities ahead. I really didn’t know what to expect as I entered the Main Event Hall. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Dimly lit by soft chandeliers and starry fairy lit walls, old-fashioned pinned leather sofas, black, white and grey hued lights weaved through this elegant but playful party.

Grecian-like Hall meets Fairy Lit Walls and Beautiful Chandeliers
Is that live music I hear? I follow my ears and the sweet sound of Beyoncé’s “Crazy In Love” sung in a sultry, jazz tone alongside a suited pianist. I could watch this all day sipping on that peachy fizz everybody seems to be drinking.

Speaking of, where is my drink? I’ve spent so much time exploring this sensual set up that I’ve forgotten to grab a glass. As a result the Signature Peachy Champagne has run out and everyone's happy with standard Sparkling and canapés.

The amazing entertainment and being summoned to take a photo with Mr Grey

A large poster of Mr Grey centres the room and everyone is taking snaps leaning on him (as we did), pulling cute faces or pretending to smack the back of his pants! Haha! The #fiftyshadesrevealed photo (in black and white, of course) is sent from the main photographer to a representative’s iPhone and then sent to you to share with all your friends on fb/email/etc! Great marketing and social media strategy right there – I really love this idea.

#fiftyshadesrevealed! Our Professional pic ready to share with the Social Media World

I ask the well-dressed waiters what is in the canapés and it is so LOUD I can’t hear a word of her reply. I eat it anyway (because I’m a such risk-taker, right?). Pumpkin, fish and bread in one tasty little treat. Not bad at all.

We spot Angela Bishop and the Channel 10 News Team chatting to a few more celebs and then back to the camera to cover the event.  And what an event it was – it felt like a mix of a black and white themed cocktail party, wedding reception and “Gossip Girl” set all in one! The music, the décor, the chandeliers and just trendy, sensual vibe was beyond my expectations. The only miss was it was really humid inside so everyone opted to fan themselves with their lanyard to cool down (and I’m sure they would be using it throughout the movie as well!).

Channel Ten Reporter, Angela Bishop and Guests on our way to the cinema

As it drew nearer to 8:00pm we made our way to the cinema to be seated and presented with a goodie bag filled with well, goodies! Mud House New Zealand Pinot Gris (more wine!), OPI “Embrace the Gray” Nail Polish, Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam, Sydney Seaplanes Flyer and Blackmores….Men’s Performance Multivitamin….(awkwardddddd!)

Speaking of awkward. What I’ve been trying to tell you (or not tell you) this whole time is that the reason I am “oh-so-embarrassed” is because I’m all seated, the Launch Party has been amazing so far and I’m about the watch Fifty Shades of Grey with…my brother!?

There I said it. MY. BRO.

He wanted to watch it, I obviously was dying to see it first, we got tickets, so family first right!? And you know what – IT ACTUALLY WASN’T BAD.

The sex scenes are nothing compared to what I feared nor what it’s been hyped up to be. And, we’re mature adults, right? Well, at least I am? Right? Right. It wasn’t weird, the movie was amazing and I would recommend any lover of rom-coms, chick flicks or a good night out to see it!

A stream of Social Media from the Black Carpet before the film began...Hello Mr Ruffo!

The sexual content is definitely blown out of proportion and as much as there are some scenes with a blindfold, handcuff, whip, feathers and melting ice - that’s it! The music is probably the sexiest part as tunes from The Weeknd set the whole mood of many provocative scenes. Definitely worth buying the sound track! Amazing!!!

Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) are the perfect mix of innocent meets intense and when the two become intertwined they both lose themselves in what seems like “just a physical relationship.” Since he doesn’t do “chocolates and flowers and all” (I’m hoping he’ll change his mind by next Valentines!) what he does do is fly her around in his helicopters, jet planes and chauffeur her to wherever she pleases (YES, pah-lease!). Their physical relationship seems to cross many boundaries after he introduces her to his playroom.

My favourite line…

“What playroom? Like your Xbox and stuff?” – Anastasia

“No Anastasia, No Xbox, I’ll show you...” –  Christian

Opens the door and her facial expression is priceless! (Just watch the movie and you will see!)

Having brothers myself that is definitely something I would say and I’m sure a lot of women can relate to when it comes to a man’s “play room” or “man cave” as they like to call it these days.

Within the movie you don’t really know who to feel more sorry for – Anastasia, who has surrendered herself to Christian both physically and mentally by falling in love with him as a result of his confusing nature. Or Christian who can’t seem to let her completely into his world as well as his troubled grey matter, his mind! (Okay that was my last grey joke, I promise!)

In the final scene you are left hoping that there is more dialogue as the elevator doors shut abruptly, keeping you in heightened suspense for the sequel. Let’s hope the sequel, let alone the whole trilogy is just as good as the original! LOVED. IT!

Even if you’re thinking “No, it’s a bit too risqué” or “it isn’t my thing” – trust me it’s not that bad! And I watched it with my "bro" so that’s saying something!

So now, I am not one bit embarrassed, BUT I definitely know what all the fuss is about! Fifty Shades, you have passed with flying colours and Mr Grey, I’ll see you in my dreams (with flowers and chocolates this time).

"MR GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW" Centrefold aka Selfie Central!


The Journalette